Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Great 50-Book Giveaway

UPDATE: Winners have been chosen. Thanks to everyone for participating! I'll host another giveaway in August, so please come back and try again.

As predicted, I did not have a box large enough to hold all these books so I have chosen three big winners:
Mindy McGinnis
Denise Krebs
The Oros Family
And a special consolation prize of a surprise book goes to...Mary Frame

I'll be Tweeting to let the winners know. Please DM me @feralpony with your mailing addresses, and the books could go out as early as today. Hurrah!
I am going to give away 50 books. Yes, I am. They include many ARCs, some published titles, and even a bonus 7-CD audio edition of Everlasting. These books are all YA/MG titles. Imagine a great big stack of them teetering on your coffee table, toppling over and crushing your breakfast croissants! But you won't care about your flattened pastries, because you'll be up to your eyeballs in dark underworlds, angsty teens with acne, princesses, mutant wolves, and sword fighting.

These books could be yours. Or at least some of them. I might have to choose more than one winner if I can't find a big enough box to house these books. It's going to take a BIG box. Look at 'em:

All you have to do to be eligible is:
1. Follow my blog.
2. Leave me a comment.
3. Tweet at least once about the giveaway (make sure to tag me @feralpony so I can see it). If you don't use Twitter, you must go out to your rooftop and call me on the wind. "Party Pony!" you will cry. "I want those damned books!" I shall surely hear you. 

That's it! I will pick a winner or winners sometime soon...perhaps on Thursday of this week. Questions? Send them my way in comments. Thanks for joining in!


Anonymous said...

You know I already follow you around like a little lost puppy follows a sausage vendor. And I tweeted about this. And I am putting my name in. I suppose it would be unfair for me to win since I won the last time you were giving books away, but whatever, I figure why not beg anyway?

Will Work for Books.

A.M.Supinger said...

This is the most awesome giveaway ever:):):)

Also, I'm shameless. Have a mentioned it's my birthday??

Justin Holley said...

Um, I was expecting another contest, but since you're practically giving these books away, I'll take that little gem called: Possessed :)

Precy Larkins said...

Wow. You are seriously the most generous pony I've ever met. The other ponies only let you ride on their backs, but you...you give away BOOKS! And lots of them!

I already love you for giving me Crossed and The Future of Us. But like the greenwoman, I am a greedy little goat and my appetite is unsatiable. So, here I am joing the contest once again, and shamelessly I might add. Thanks for the opportunity!

Chen Yan Chang said...

I'm like 'greenwoman'--not that I'm green--but even though I did win your previous giveaway (LEGEND is awesome, by the way), I'm gonna enter anyways.

Because whoa, that's a lot of books. That stack is probably taller than me. (I'm a pretty short person. Not that short. But short...I'm the oldest of 4, but the shortest. I can understand being shorter than my little brother, but being shorter than my 2 younger sisters? Yeah...)

I digress...

I want books. I want to bleed black ink. I want to have paper skin.

(I'm kidding about the ink blood and paper skin. I think.)

I tweeted here: http://twitter.com/#!/nodizzies/status/90821495470833665

jadedlittlegirlx [at] gmail [dot] com

Catherine Stine said...

I follow you Ms. Pony, and some of these books look pretty durn good, so yeah, count me in. If I'm one of the lucky ones picked, I'd love something really creepy yet literary... say, Edgar Allen Poe on acid??

Riley Redgate said...

This is a ridiculously awesome giveaway. I don't even know how you can stand to part with them, but selfish me would love to partake in the receiving. :D Watch for my feverish tweets.

Angela V. Cook said...

So funny- when I first saw the title of this post I read it as "The Great 50, Book Giveaway." I thought for sure I was going to encounter the meme from hell, and would have to do something like list my 50 most influential books to be included in the giveaway, lol.

Anywho, yes, count me in! BTW, I plan on tweeting this, but the shouting from the roof-top thing sounds kind of fun too! I've been dying to be referred to as the "crazy white lady" in the neighborhood ;o)

Erika said...

I follow you, in the followers i have a different name though, it has the same picture though. I'll be sure to yell something along those lines, cause I don't have a twitter. Would Facebook suffice?

Erika said...

I follow you. ( i use the same pic, not name) I don't tweet, but im not yelling that :)

Tracy N. Jorgensen said...

I need more books. I shall cross my fingers and hope for the best!

Erika said...

sorry if i posted that twice...

BBC said...

Oh me me! I will tweet it and yell into the wind for good measure. And look at it this way - if you give it to me, you're really giving to the world, b/c once I'm done they'll go into a library.

Ooooo burn, other participants!!

Bethany Crandell said...

You don't have to bribe me with books, Sugar. I'll follow you anywhere.

Andrew Leon said...

Of the titles I could read, I don't think I've hread of a single one of those books. :(

I don't tweet. I think it has to do with the lack of bird seed in my diet.

It's really windy here, today, so you might have a hard time hearing my words.

wanda f said...

I follow you on gfc
wanda l flanagan
and on twitter @lilblupixie
I tweeted and tagged you in it


Kayeleen Hamblin said...

That's a lot of books! Wow! Titter twitter, here I come!

Small Town Shelly Brown said...

Fun stuff!

I yelled it really loud from my window but building super won't give me the keys to the roof.

Guess I'm going to be tweeting it.

And I might as well FB and G+ while I'm at it. No point doing one and not the others :)

Mary Frame said...

OoOoOoohhh!! Pick me, pick me!!

Also, I am going to fight Justin over Possessed. Pony, you get to pick the venue. We can duke it out in a vat of butter, pool of playdoh, where ever you want!


Anita Grace Howard said...

If it weren't for the outrageous postage, I would suggest you give one to EACH of the first fifty commenters on this post. But since that's just selfish, I will instead offer to pay my own s&h for at least FIVE of those suckahs. See if anyone else is so GENEROUS. Uh-huh.

Cue Bittersweet Symphony for all the butts I just whipped. HA

Oh, and you knows I follow--no WORSHIP--you and have tweeted this. I also stood on a wooden shingle that fell from my rooftop, so I think that counts double, right? Hee

Unknown said...

Great contest, and perfect for the reading group I host for developmental readers.

So, my fingers are crossed

Lori M. Lee said...

Wow, that's incredible. What an amazing giveaway. I am totally getting on my roof! LOL Also, tweeting :D

Mr. Paul W. Hankins said...

What a nice give-away. All of these books would of course go in our classroom library in Room 407. Good luck to everybody here. I hope somebody I know wins.

Denise Krebs said...

Hi Jenny, nice to meet you in the #kidlitchat this evening. I teach 7th and 8th graders, and I know how much they would love that luscious stack of books. Thanks for the chance to win!


Anonymous said...

I followed and I tweeted...and THEN @PaulHankins retweeted, so I should get like an additional 40 entries! haha

Thanks for the contest, I would share them in my classroom library at school. My students would gobble them up!

Ms. Dee said...

I would love those books, but my TBR pile is already gargantuan and I don't want to be greedy. But WOW! to you for giving them all away! And WOW! to the lucky winner, too! I am so happy that @PaulWHankins retweeted this, because I am only too happy to find a new blog to follow!

A.M.Supinger said...

I am stalking this post! :) I tweeted and then RTed about this giveaway and I'm crossing my fingers...Pick me! Pick me! PICK ME!

*cough* er, sorry. I'm back to normal.

Keriann Greaney Martin said...

OK, I swear I commented earlier today but Blogger ate it. This is a freakin' awesome giveaway! I have a HUGE TBR pile, but I NEED this books. What? I don't have a problem.

I tweeted :). Thanks for the contest!

Dawn Ferreyra said...

What a fun idea- and it looks like great books for summer reading!

Rebecca Webster said...

I would hoard these books like crazy and be completely unwilling to part with them. But since you are so incredibly generous, I would love to be in your giveaway contest! I would give a left arm for these books. I will now continue to follow you religiously. And I will hope to win at least some of these books! I'm a follower, I left a comment, and now I'm going to tweet. :)

The Oros Family said...

What an amazing giveaway! I now follow you on twitter. I am @rogueteaching. I am crossing my fingers because my classroom could really use these books to help build our library.

kacimari said...

This is me wanting to win that glorious box of books. :) Tweeting now.

T.S. Welti said...

Haha! I'm with Michelle, it may be a little unfair for me to win since I won last time, but I'm loving The Undrowned Child so damn much I'm going to try again, dammit! My only gripe is that I don't get to write a ridiculously awful poem to win this giveaway. Maybe I can forego the rules and write one anyway? Maybe later.

Off to tweet your monster giveaway. :D

Danah said...

Wow! *jaw dropped* This is definitely a HUGE giveaway! This is the most awesomest giveaway! I can see Ashes, Ashes, Sister Mischief, and Possessed! I wish i could win at least those three books though.

I'm a new follower of your blog and i also tweeted the giveaway. Thank you so much for the chance!

Goodluck Everyone!


Jammie said...

Hey! Awsome giveaway. Is this an international competition? I would love to enter for the chance to win :D I follow your blog and am about to go and tweet about you giveaway :)

Anonymous said...

Another book to gently wrinkle by reading it in the bathtub? Oh, joy, oh, joy. I'm in, ya know...!

Ben Bleckley said...

I'm going through my classroom library deciding the fate of some hand me downs from another teacher this summer. If only I'd thought they'd be wanted, I'd do what you're doing :)

Marybk said...

Dear Jenny,

My poor bookshelf is Mother Hubbard bare.

Please help.


Anna Banks said...

Party Pony! I want those damned books! Er, wait, that was the roof top thingy. Well anyway, I want them. Give them to me. Uh, you know, please...

Katelyn said...

Holy wow this is an awesome giveaway! I am a new follower here on your blog as well as on twitter! My twitter name is ktorrey1. Go you for hosting the most epic giveaway ever!

Anonymous said...

What a coincidence - I just made space for 50 books on my shelf! Crazy! :)

Jennifer Prescott said...

This is terrible--how will I ever choose? If only I had enough postage and enough time to address all the envelopes....you'd all win! Will pick random numbers out of large fez tomorrow.

Margie said...

WOW. Which one to read first???
Thanks for sharing the love of books.

lollybees3 said...

Oh joy that's alot of books! I don't even know what I would do if I won maybe die but in the good die and go to book-lover heaven kinda way :)

Book Sp(l)ot said...

Following your blog now & tweeted. So awesome!

Jennifer said...

I want in! I don't have twitter and I can't access my roof without suffering serious potential injuries and I want the books but not that bad. Anyway I did walk out into my yard and yell it. Hopefully you heard me.....my neighbors sure did. One of them yelled Shut the hell up I have work tomorrow. Jerk. Anyway I love free stuff.
