Friday, October 21, 2011

7x7 Link Award (plus 7 lies!)

Lisa Ann, our fabulous resident animal trainer (and writer who recently secured an agent for her book, Below the Surface!) has kindly bequeathed to me the 7 x 7 link award. If you need a dolphin wrangled, a lion tamed, or a squid manhandled, you must visit her at Kicked, Cornered, Bitten, and Chased (one of my favorite blog names, by the way).

The purpose of this award is to breathe new life into some oldies but goodies by asking bloggers to identify some of their favorites in various categories. I have done so!

1. Most Beautiful Post: I am rather partial to this one, about The Great North Woods. I wrote it a long time ago.

2. Most Popular Post: I have checked my "most popular" list and this post is ALWAYS there. It's about my search, in the year 2008, for a DJ Lance Rock costume. DJ Lance is the star of the kiddie TV show Yo Gabba Gabba and I was obsessed with him. I wanted to BE him. (This year I have a crazy new costume planned. I was born on Halloween so I am a little bit touched. Photos will appear.)

3. Most Controversial Post: Back when I lived in New Rochelle, NY, I used to blog about my neighborhood. I also did regular posts for our "hyperlocal" news service at The Loop. The editrix picked up this story about SoNo New Ro and it caused a firestorm! Here is a typical piece of hate mail I received: "I was completely offended by your rude comments pertaining to Craft Form apparel. That store offers a valuable service for ladies who have had mastectomies. It is clear that you hate women, especially women who have had mastectomies. You must hate people with cancer. You also hate black people and all minorities. You are a terrible person. New Rochelle is a lovely town."

4. Most Helpful: After spending some time on Query Tracker and sympathizing with the lovely writers who were getting rejections, I wrote this post about Rejectozolonaxil, my new miracle pill to deal with the hideous emotions that come when you hear "no" from a stranger. Many people sent their thanks for this bit of levity.

5. Most Surprisingly Successful: I was so used to being a "funny" blogger for so long that, sometimes, writing something that wasn't really intended to be funny was strange and scary. I learned that I don't always have to be tap-dancing while wearing a wig made out of brussels sprouts. Here is Why Do We Write?

6. Post That Didn't Get The Attention It Deserved: There are so many of these, because I wrote this blog almost in the darkness for so long, when it was read by only a few friends who didn't even know how to leave a comment that wasn't "anonymous." I wrote on and on and it was like tossing bottles onto the sea. I picked this one out of that batch: Don't Cry Silly, You're Not Dead Yet.

 7. Post I Am Most Proud Of: I'm not sure why, but I just love this post, The Houses Have Eyes. It's snarky and sad at the same time, which is what all my best posts have in common.

I am late to this party (just like I will be late to the #rapture party happening today around cocktail hour, because I've got to get to the liquor store and put on a pretty frock and stuff), so some of my pals already have this award. But I have sought among the valiant, the deserving, and the just plain crazy and I have found these 7 worthy bloggers who may not yet have the award. Go forth, 7x7 Masters!

Because I like to break the rules I have told lies about all these people. Only one statement is true. Can you find the fact among the fiction?

Tracey's Tavern
Tracey has never touched alcohol.

Suzanne Payne
Suzanne used to be a rodeo cowgirl.

Angela V. Cook
Angela would not like panties made out of fish.

Justin Holley
Justin has a unicorn tattoo.

Kalen O'Donnell
Kalen eats butterflies.

Mary Baader Kaley
Mary owns her own Egg Emporium.

Riley Redgate
Riley is 78 years old.


Angela V. Cook said...

Hmm . . . I wonder which one is the lie . . . hehehe ;o)

Thank you for the award (I'm feeling so loved lately! :o) Oh, and I'm looking forward to checking out some of those posts you mentioned!

Suzanne Payne said...

hmm..well, the lie is obvious. Riley just had a birthday and turned 50 last there you go. Thank you so much Pretty Pony for bestowing this lovely award on me. My blog is not very old and doesn't have much of a history, but I'll do my best with this. :)I may have to write some new posts to make them fit the

Mary Frame said...

OMG I was born on Halloween, too.

It's like we're meant to be together ;)

That's part of where the whole "Marewolf" nickname came from. That one, and "Scary Mary" :)

This year, my buddies are dressing me up as a "Mary Monster", bringing over all of their costumes and forcing me into various apparel.

I really love your "Houses have Eyes" blog post. So sad. :(

And I think the true statement is Justin's unicorn tattoo.

Love you, little missy!

LisaAnn said...

Woohooo!! I am so excited to read through your favorite posts, and I was more than honored to bestow this to you! The thought of me holding a squid while you tap-dance and wear a wig made out of brussels sprouts is almost too fantastic to handle!!

Anita Grace Howard said...

LOVE how you added the lies. HEE. Ah. BTW, I have to agree that you have many masterpieces that haven't got the attention they deserve. Where The Clowns Weep is on of my personal faves. That basement room?? STILL SHUDDERING.

I think your entire blog should be immortalized and put into a time capsule for posterity. How can we go about making this a reality?

Also, ME LOVES YOUR BLOGS NEW DUDS. Very pretty. :) Congrats on the award, and to the new nominees.

Precy Larkins said...

Kalen is soooo a flutterby eater. *FLASH*

Wait...hey, I love your new digs, my party friend! So LOVELY! And You Are So Pretty in Pink. ;)

Off to check out your 7 posts...

Marybk said...

Oh, my. Thank you for this award. You know, just last week I dreamt of owning my own Egg Emporium. Freaky coincidence, I guess.

I'll do my best with this one. :0)