Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Hark! Hark! I Have Free ARCs!

Ok, Book Sluts! I have now officially (and oh-so-randomly) chosen winners! I was going to choose two but I am too much of a softie so I chose THREE. The post office needs the money, right? Here they are:

Beverly Diehl:
Born Wicked
My Family for the War

Kathy Coleman:
Grave Mercy
The Fine Art of Truth of Dare


I will contact you all personally to let you know. Congratulations! For those of you who didn't win, don't despair: There will be more giveaways just like this. Come back again, fair book sluts. Giving away books warms the cockles of my heart, and also my duodenum.

Please review and let us know how you enjoyed these titles!


Let's not meddle around here. You know what you want, and why you are here. Free books!


But that's OK, because I like to feed your addiction.

Better yet, these YA books are unpublished and as yet untouched by human hands! Except mine. I groped them a little bit. (But you would too, if you came across a book called BORN WICKED. And that woman on BLOODROSE looks like she don't wear nothing under her clothes. Just saying. Damn it, did I learn nothing from NYC's Slutwalk '11?)

If you get them you can gloat and think something along the lines of the sign I once saw in a Brooklyn storefront: OUR STUFF IS CHEAPER THAN IF IT FELL OFF THE BACK OF A TRUCK.

So are these books.

The rules are simple for this giveaway:
1. Leave me a comment with a way to contact you should you win (if certain titles appeal to you, say so!)
2. Follow my blog
3. Tweet at least once about this giveaway, and please tag me @feralpony so I see it
4. If you don't tweet do something else nice, like help a young lady across the street without fondling her just because she's dressed like a slut.

I will pick 2 winners soonish...in a couple of days. Good luck!

Cate Cahill and her sisters are witches! If their secret is discovered by the priests of the Brotherhood,
it will mean an asylum, a prison ship—or an early grave.

See the blood drizzling from the "O"? Yeekers! There is a wolf, too.

A 17-year-old fleeing from an arranged marriage will be trained as an assassin...and a handmaiden to Death.

Plagued by waking visions and nightmares, her only comfort the bones of dead animals, sixteen-year-old Faye thinks she's going crazy. [These books sound awesome; why am I giving them away? I am a dope.]

Funny kissy cute!

At the start of WWII, Franziska is torn from her family to escape the Nazis via the kindertransport train. Being German in London and piecing together a new life isn't easy.


Jennifer said...

I love free books!!!! You can reach me at serendipityslibrary@gmail.com. I am not cool enough for twitter but I did share your post on my super cool facebook page.

Munnaza said...

Thank you so much for this giveaway! I've been dying to read ALL of these amazing titles, and I can't wait until they're published!

1. infalliblyyours@gmail.com
2. I follow your blog on GFC as infalliblyyours or Munnaza
3. I tweeted about this giveaway: http://twitter.com/#!/yoursinfallibly/status/121343996458049538
And YES, I will try to do number 4 because it's ridiculous that people are judging women for the way they dress. They're allowed to dress any way they want and the fact that courts are using or considering using the way they dress against them in rape cases is SERIOUSLY MESSED UP. ...Sorry, I feel strongly about this.

Great giveaway!

Haley Sindt said...

You are correct! I am a book addict! And it's even better when they're free! :D
If I win, I'd LOVE LOVE LOVE to have Wolfsbane! I LOVE Andrea Cremer and I am SOOO excited for Wolfsbane and you would make me so happy if I won it and got to read it early! <3 You can get a hold of me at gigglzha@gmail.com. Posting it on Twitter now! (Twitter name: Crazedboutbooks)

Riley Redgate said...

WELL GOLLY. rileyredgate[at]gmail[dot]com is me, and I'd love The Fine Art of Truth or Dare. (Be still, the part of my heart that yearns for warm chick-litty reads!)


Chen Yan Chang said...

I would grope Born Wicked, too...I mean, the girl on the cover's offering herself to me. How can I resist? Bloodrose looks awesome to grope as well, but first I must read my copy of Nightshade before I could run my hands over its sibling ;)

GFC: cyc


jadedlittlegirlx AT gmail DOT com

Brooke said...

HOLY SNAP! HOLY SNAP! HOLY SNAP!!!! AHHH!! Is this giveaway legal!?! BLOODROSE?! Bloodrose?! BLOODROSE!? Dead. I. Am. Dead...........oKAY I'M BACK!! SQUEEEEEEE!! I would cut off my left foot & feed it to the wolf on that cover for a chance to read BLOODROSE!! aaaaaah!! Seriously! Did you read Wolfsbane?!! It was a totally CLIFFY!! How could Andrea just leave me like that?! Ehem...I mean....I am very interested in winning BLOODROSE. And I think i may be in love with you.....Alright, i'll stop being a weirdo. If the ARC Gods are on my side and i happen to win you can reach me here: Brooke_reports@yahoo.com


Cherry said...

REALLY want to read Bloodrose!
I'm gonna go follow you on GFC now (cherry^^)
going to go tweet via @v97_


Tracy N. Jorgensen said...

Harbringer and Born Wicked look awesome. Can I please win? I saw a dog get hit by a car today and it was very sad. I need free books... :<

tsmith86@gmail.com and I tweeted.

Anonymous said...

I tweeted--and it was like a little song I wrote just for you. These ARCs are beautiful, especially that wicked slutty one. WANT!

Beverly Diehl said...

Jenny, you're sick, but I'm too big a slut to turn down free books (or much of anything, actually.

I have tweeted, and I already follow you. Plus, I am a proud Slutwalker myself. Will put a link on my FB author page, too.

I'm liking Born Wicked - being a witch is almost as cool as being a slut, IMO; or the "My Family for the War." You can follow the link to my blog, or e-mail me bevdiehl @ gmail(dot)com.

Lori M. Lee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Oh mi gosh!! How do you have Blood Rose?? Gasp!! You are my favorite person right now!!
I follow your blog: Samantha Rose
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/SamjamRose/status/121393966242463745
And a way to contact me is either through that twitter account or at samjam(at)earthlink(dot)net!
Thanks for your awesome giveaway!

Danah said...

Oh my! I want that ARC of BloodRose!!! I also would love to read Born Wicked & The Fine Art of Truth or Dare too. Thank you for the chance!

GFC Follower Name: Danah



Unknown said...

They all sound so cool! The only one I'm not drooling over is the kindertransport one (mostly because it doesn't seem likely to have a good romance). I tweeted, I've been a follower for simply ages, and my email addy is robinweekswriter at geemail dot com.

FairyWhispers said...

Am a follower via GFC


tweeted- https://twitter.com/#!/FWhispers/status/121415027084374017



Book Crook Liza said...

BORN WICKED!!!!!!! I want to read this so so bad! AHMAGOD!

bookcrookliza at gmail dot com

I tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/kurlykova/status/121416400203030528

And I'm following your blog and twitter!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful! I can't wait for Born Wicked (that's the one I'm especially eyeing)! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!

-GFC Follower
-Didn't tweet but I did run a block to catch up with a man who had dropped his wallet earlier =)


Mary Frame said...

Give me books or give me death! (or something slightly less dramatic)

Seriously, where do you get such wonderful toys? The last time I got books in the mail (from you, I believe), I got so excited my husband was jealous!

No, really.

Tweeting now! And when is the next Slutwalk?

Jena said...

what an amazing giveaway!!! AHHHH Thank you SO much!!!!! Born Wicked and Bloodrose DEF appeal to me the most! So thank you SOO much <33 I want those two so much!! :)

Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/Jenababy13/status/121430893758910464

Thank youuu! :)


Kathy Ann Coleman said...

Hello :) Nice blog you have here.

I'm a new follower.

My e-mail is isis_willowsong@hotmail.com

If I win I would love to read Grave Mercy.

Here is the link to my tweet:

And here is this week's Waiting on Wednesday, where I featured your giveaway and spoke about being interested in Grave Mercy. I hope that helps you out. :)

Have a great day! Bye!

Kathy Ann Coleman said...

Hello! New follower. :) (My apologies if I am repeating myself. I thought I posted but it did not appear to go through.)

My e-mail is isis_willowsong@hotmail.com

If I win I would love to read Grave Mercy.

Here is my tweet:


And here is a post that I wrote for Waiting on Wednesday where I mentioned your giveaway. I hope that it will be of assistance:


Have a great day!

ansindt said...

All these books look great! I am sooo interested in BLOODROSE=) I tweeted https://twitter.com/#!/ansindt You can reach me at ansindt@hotmail.com=)

Van Pham said...

Wow, so many great ARCS! I'm interested in reading Born Wicked, Bloodrose, or Grave Mercy.

Thanks for the giveaway.

1. Email: ShortnSweetreviews(at)gmail(dot)com

2. follow your blog: Van Pham

3. tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/vanpham88/status/121499580566216704

Jan von Harz said...

Holy cool book titles This is one amazing giveaway. Am definitely following you on Twitter now and am keeping fingers and toes crossed that you will pick me! Free rock!

Could not however find your followers link or else would be a new follower too. But did tweet



Marybk said...

I'm looking for slutty old ladies now. :)

Anita Grace Howard said...

WOWZERS. Those are some scrumptious book covers. *salivating*

No need to enter me in the contest, dear friend, since you generously sent some books my way a while ago for no reason other than you're a NICEY.

Though I am totally tweeting this because I love you. :) Hee

BBC said...

Since I've already won an awesome box of books from you, I'll remove myself from consideration, but I will tweet it to get the word out!

Scarlett said...

ooh, thank you! I have been wanting to read Born Wicked for AGES! you can contact me at atselec@gmail.com. I don't do twitter but will post about this on my blog and be sure to be nice to people crossing the street! (as i not running them over when they take too long to cross, old lades are ok, but tourists, not so much)

Anonymous said...

I am obsessed by the fearlessness with which you speak of groping. OBSESSED.

Ashley @ Bookaholics Anonymous said...

Born wicked and Bloodrose are some definite I want to read books.

asjleyjowens (at) gmail (dot) com

Angela V. Cook said...

Oh Pony, you are so giving :o) I bet the people at the USPS know you by name ;o)

I'm off to tweet-tweet right now!

Precy Larkins said...

Don't enter me in the giveaway since I just won some books from AM Supinger. I just came by to say HELLO and that you are LOVELY GENEROUS and DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU?

Goodluck to all who entered.

I will tweet this of course, to spread the love.


Anonymous said...

wow! thanks so much for doing this giveaway!! i am dying to read the fine arts of truth or dare.

GFC: Juhina
email: mc.jay.jay(at)hotmail(dot)com
tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/juhina_/status/121644094769471488

amethystheart said...

Thank you for this giveaway! So many great books to win!

I'm following your blog as amethystheart89@gmail.com on GFC

I'd tweet about the contest but I was having trouble with spam, so I'm leaving my twitter private for a while. I'll definitely do something nice for someone though, especially a woman being judged unfairly for the way she is dressed.

MiguelD said...

Thank you so much for the giveaway! I'm looking at Born Wicked and Bloodrose!
I'm a google friend connect follower of your blog!

Email is MysteriousBlue89 at gmail dot com

Claudia (Mist-Born) said...

Especially ARCs!

I can't wait for Born Wicked it looks so cool!

GFC FOLLOWER AND EMAIL: ClaudiaMist@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Those first two books look so cool! Thank you for the giveaway I can't wait!

1) GFC Follower
2) camui.lucy@gmail.com

Jennifer Prescott said...

You guys are all fab! My amazing random FEZ, from which I shall select the winners, will have its work cut out for it tomorrow.

Still accepting entries!

The Rake said...

Hello! This IS HANN! ( Iscream and shout!)

I NEED ARCs. ARCS like water from a spout from an AWESOME sink!!1


and I MUST love and read SLUTS! Sluts like to walk and even like AWESOME SINKS!j

Please to click my link NAD send ARCs and slu wakls to the to me @ gmail PLEASE! You find it!


sinks are awesome. Yes.

The Rake said...

OK folks. What many of you may not realize is that I am not actually Hann!


But, rather, I am THE Rake. And I have some influence (some might say "significant") over the Party Pony. Verily, she and I are betrothed.

Therefore, I *may* attempt to influence her awards purely based on your comment posts. And I should note that, I eye ALL posts. As such, my votes may be based on your amount of cumulative posting over the ages, or simply the amazing pithy comments you left on the one ARC contest.

Yes, you may be concerned. But, relax. The Rake (and his alter-ego Hann) is benevolent. (Don't you hate it when folks speak/write of themselves in the third person?) But, while benevolent, I am a harsh task-master. So, get to yer bloggin', fb'in', twittin', and whatever the heck else y'all do.

And I shall be the judge! (Actually, I'll just mention to the Pony who I really like while we're having martinis on the porch; but that can be very influential!)

P.S. As of yet, and as always, I am taken by Chen Yan Chang's comment. I mean, seriously. "Born Wicked" looks like "Born To Be Taken By Whomever It Is Who Is Looking At Me At This Moment Whilst In This Pose (And That Means You, Dear Reader)!"

P.S.S. Kudos and props go to any other commentator who acknowledges that she or he (who am I kidding; are there any other "he"s beyond me on this thing?) is a book slut!

IdentitySeeker said...

Thanks for the free books:)

E-mail: sarah.setar@gmail.com
GFC follower: Identity Seeker
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/SweetNSensible/status/121767325451030528

I would LOVE to get my hands on a copy of Bloodrose by Andrea Cremer and I've heard good things about The Fine Art of Truth and Dare.

Born Wicked and Grave Mercy also sound like great reads, but the two above would be my first choices:)

Sarah Bibi Setar


jayjay said...

omg omg omg omg! awesome books at stake! thanks for the chance!

following via GFC: jayjay
Tweeted via @TheJay2xA

fallendream03 AT gmail DOT com

We Fancy Books said...

Awesome ARCs here. Thank you for the chance and sharing it.
new follower via GFC
GFC name is we fancy books
also tweeted about the giveaway

Hoping to win one!

Catherine Stine said...

Grave Mercy sounds most intriguing. You can reach me at kitsy84557 at gmail dot com.
Hey, I already follow you, but I'll go tweet this right now.

Anonymous said...

Bloodrose! :O You are so awesome for this amazing giveaway. All of these ARC titles...ACK! Dying to read all of them.

1. bookchellef [at] gmail [dot] com
2. Follow on GFC through ccchellesss (personal account)
3. Tweeted from @bookchellef http://twitter.com/#!/bookchellef/status/121792607029436416

Good luck to eveyrone else!

Lindsay Cummings author said...

Uhm, yes please. :)

Americangirlie1991 at yahoo dot com

I tweeted and tagged you!!

Brodie said...

Well. HOLY. FREAKING. CRAP. I'm dying a little, day by day, to get my hands on Bloodrose (I read a spoiler. And it's KILLING me not having this book in my hands!), Born Wicked and Harbinger! And recently (like, five minutes ago) it was brought to my attention that Grave Mercy sounds badass. And I love me some funny kissy cute-ness with TFAOTAD. Plus, the love interest can speak French? We can noeud our langues together anytime! (No I did not have to Google Translate those two words...)

I'm a female, but I can totally pull off being a male (okay just in name, but I'm not afraid to try experimental drugs to make it legit) if that makes The Rake feel a little less lonely. Because I now officially worship The Rake and his divine Book Sluttiness. Because he is amazing and... what are you saying?! I'm appalled that you would accuse me of sucking up to him just to sway the vote. That's a low accusation.

Also, that is one sexy pony in your sidebar, Jenny! <3

Thank you for AMAZING giveaway!! (Is this open internationally? If not, ignore my long comment!)

Following your blog
Tweeted - http://twitter.com/#!/peacelovebooksx/status/121902961722007552

