Monday, November 28, 2011


 I have picked zee winners out of my magical randomizing hat! And they are:

1. Jennifer of Serendipity's Library!
2. Angela Cook!
3. Stacey!
4. Lisa Ann!

I will divide the book into neat mathematical portions and send them your way. Rah!
Check in next time for another chance to win.


Yo, Book Sluts! I'm back. And, in honor of Cyborg Monday, I'm going to give away a big ol' pile of books. I have ARCs, new titles, and even a CD set.

These books keep creeping around my desk with their pages ruffling mournfully, begging to be read. (The CD set just lies there like a lump.)

"Fie on you, books!" I say. "Can you not see that I am working hard here at gazing listlessly into space and pushing this paperclip back and forth, back and forth, while dreaming of revenge against my enemies? I have not time to read all of you. I can read only one of you today!"

They fling themselves at me in anger, slapping me with their inky pages, but I will not be deterred.

"However!" I shout. "I will find you loving homes. I will do so today."

The books are mollifed....for now. Enter this giveaway post haste so I can speed them on their way into your eager arms! (The books are really very tame. Pay no mind to my hyperbole.)

The rules are simple for this giveaway:
1. Leave me a comment with a way to contact you should you win (if certain titles appeal to you, say so!)
2. Follow my blog
3. Tweet at least once about this giveaway, and please tag me @feralpony so I see it (if you don't tweet then just send me some good karma/prayer/what have you. Something like "Gee whiz, I sure hope that nice Party Pony blogger gets a pile of money in her mailbox today!")
4. If you write a blog post about this giveaway you get super ginormous points
5. Thank something, anything, for your life. Right now. You are golden.

I will pick winners a couple of days. Good luck!

A red dog named "Clifford"? Hmmm.

Anyone seen this movie yet? It sounds amazing.

ARC, ARC, The Clockwork Dark!

That cobra gonna bite cha!

I like authors named "Jennifer."

Ooh, I read Life as We Knew It and it was so understated, yet so believable and compelling in the end.

I think she is going for the "hot librarian" look.

Another author named Jennifer! Is this a trend?

Stephen King endorses it!

Dat be blood dripping from that microphone!

The CD set. Suzanne Collins endorses it!

MG fun.

Please tell me the "J" stands for Jennifer!

I am running out of steam to write captions. How many books are left?

Is that fish carnivorous?

Plucky kids, I'll wager!

Recognize that look? Hot librarian!


T.M. Frazier said...


Tracey Hansen

TWEET ME: @Tracey_Hansen

Jennifer said...

Count me in! I don't have twitter because they don't let weird anxiety ridden people have twitter accounts but I do have Facebook does that count?
And I did a post so be prepared for the massive amounts of people who will now descend onto your blog ravenous for free stuff!


Anita Grace Howard said...

Tweeting you up, Pony o' mine.

No need to enter me in the contest, though. I'm already under the shadow of a VERY tall and looming TBR tower. EEPS!

I'm tweeting you up because I loves you!

Unknown said...

Hi, I read Jennifer's post about this and I totally trust her taste so here I am, count me in!!!
You are hilarious and since I LOVE books and I also love the 'hot librarian look' and am glad that you recognize it, I will post about this later, too.
I'm at
and astacias @
Thanks! :)

Small Town Shelly Brown said...

Jenny, you said the rules were easy but I read them like fifteen jillion times and I still couldn't tell them to you. I am bound to mess up but I do follow you. Tweet with you. Love and worship you.
You can contact me on Twitter if I win and you can let me know what rules I forgot as well. (I'm a pretty fast repenter) @SBrownWriter
I like MG books and those looked cute :)

Small Town Shelly Brown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mary Frame said...

Did you say book slut? THAT'S ME!

I retweeted your tweet because I am lazy. I have a blog post waiting for nano to end that is specifically dedicated to you. You're just going to have to wait a couple more days, missy!

You can contact me via twitter, my blog or my email

Love you. Miss you. Can't wait for November to be over :)

The Rake said...

Hello. This is Hann!

Awww...hell. I just don't have the energy to put on my alter-asian-ego as the purveyor of AWESOME SINKS!

But, after a long day of doing what I do, I will remind all commenters of what I noted here:
(Scroll very far down)

The sum of it was that I am married to The Party Pr0ny and therefore wield some minor influence as to who wins ARCs. Witness the subsequent comment in that very same link by a certain "Brodie" who shamelessly pandered to The Rake. It may not have been mentioned later but, yes, she received the ARC which she so desired.

So, if you wish to win, give some love to The Rake. If you really want to guarantee that you win, make some reference to the comments left by the illustrious HANN, as placed in the comment sections of earlier posts, and you, be nearly certain to win. Or you can just ignore this and the Pony will do what she always does.

Either way, a challenge!

Awesome Sinks!

Precy Larkins said...

The ever generous pony! No need to enter me as I am drowning in books at the moment--my TBR pile just toppled over while I was writing this.

Anyhoo. I will tweet you because I lurves you.

Angela V. Cook said...

Wow, those are some awesome titles!! You are just so darn generous :o) I'm off to tweet right now!!

FireStarBooks said...

Email me at catchingashootingstar at hotmail dot ca. I would love the white city, or the false prince or the fox inheritence!!
2. Followed :)
3. Tweeted.!/FireStarBooks/status/142078555222839296
4. Blogged.
5. I thank my family for supporting me and always being there to help me get through the hard times in life. <3

LisaAnn said...

I hope I'm not too late! I would love any of these, especially that delicious-looking Fox Inheritance CD set. You are the best, and I will definitely do some Tweeting for you. I'll also mention you in the post I just finished... Done and done!

(lokane81 (at)!)

Melinda said...


I just tweeted! @MelindaW_

Awesome blog and giveaway! Blood Wounds and Try Not to Breathe sound seem just my style.


Stella Chen said...

tweet me @newestgirlz

LisaAnn said...

OMG, I am sooo excited!